Have any Questions? +49 30 47 86 44 28

Booking request

Thank you for your interest in THE FLOATING OFFICE BERLIN. Here you can send us a non-binding booking enquiry and easily prepare a price calculation for your meeting at Floating Office in advance. A booking is only made when your desired date is available and confirmed by us.
First choose your preferred date (weekdays 9:00 - 18:00) - multi-day bookings (-10% discount) are also possible - then choose either the standard charter flat rate or the mini-group charter flat rate for max. 4 pax.

Booking for one or several days
Number of participants
Personal Data
Your Message
Privacy policy*
Please add 5 and 1.

Individual consulting service and booking by phone +49 30 47 86 44 28 or mobile +49 171 540 51 07 or mobile +49 171 371 87 81 or info@floating-office-berlin.com

We are happy to provide you with an individual proposal. If you wish to arrange an appointment to visit and inspect the boat – we’re up for it. Please contact us any time!

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